How to Know If Iridology Is Working

How to Know If Iridology Is Working

Iridology is a branch of alternative medicine that examines the iris for problems in different parts of the body. Practitioners believe that cell changes are manifested as markings and discolorations on the iris, which could indicate problems or weaknesses in how certain parts of the body are working. Iridology isn't used to diagnose specific diseases or conditions. Rather, it's used to let the patient know if certain areas of the body might not be working properly. It can indicate problems in all organs of the body, including the heart, lungs, liver, spleen and brain. Follow these steps to find out if iridology is working on you.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Licensed medical doctor

Certified iridology practitioner

Know About Iridology and Determine if It's Working


Start by gaining a better understanding of iridology, its strengths and its limitations. For information about iridology and its uses, plus a helpful glossary of terms about eyes and iridology, visit (see Resources below).


Schedule an appointment, preferably with a certified iridologist.


Compare your practitioner's techniques to the ones you read about online or in an iridology book. Having a basic grasp of the technique may be the best way to know if your iridologist is a pro or a sham.


Listen to the iridologist's take on your overall health. Compare his or her assessments to your own knowledge of your health. For instance, if the exam indicates breathing problems and you know that you have asthma, this is an indication that the technique is working.


Talk to your doctor about what problems your iridology exam indicated once your exam is done. Also, talk to your iridology practitioner about what your doctor tells you. It will make both of their jobs easier and help keep you healthy.

Tips & Warnings

An iridology consultation is usually fairly inexpensive. It's also completely safe and painless.

Digital iridology
are employed by most iridology practitioners now, so that the photo of the iris can be brought up immediately on a computer and examined sooner to get results more quickly.

Iridology examinations aren't covered by most insurance companies.

A license or certificate is not required to practice iridology in either the United States or Canada. Classes and certification are available from the International Iridology Practitioners Association (IIPA).

For any serious problems, like acute chest pain, chronic diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, headaches, unusual lumps or oversized or misshapen moles, consult a medical doctor or go to the hospital immediately.

The majority of iridology practitioners aren't medical doctors.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. If you decide to try iridology, keep your doctor informed about the treatment you undertake.